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Plan Your Next Vacation

Updated: Nov 6, 2018

Did you know that in 2015 American workers left a record-setting 658 million vacation days unused? 55% of workers did not take all of the time off they had earned.

This trend was the impetus for Project: Time Off a movement to encourage people to use the second Tuesday in January as National Plan for Vacation Day, to map out the time off they will take for the coming year. Research shows that individuals who plan are more likely to use all of their time off, take more vacation days at once, and report greater levels of happiness at work and at home.

Traveling Makes Us Happy

According to the Project: Time Off website, “Americans taking all or most of their vacation days to travel report being 20% happier with their personal relationships and 56% happier with their health and well-being than those who travel with little or none of their vacation time.”

9 Tips to Help You Plan for Vacation

  1. Plan days off before or after major holidays

  2. Plan around your kid’s calendar

  3. Take one week off each quarter

  4. Plan a long weekend every month

  5. Plan five consecutive days off; with weekends that gives you nine days in a row

  6. Plan time off after major work events to regenerate and recharge

  7. Plan to take your birthday off

  8. Plan time off after a business trip to extend your stay and explore a new area

  9. Take a “me” day off each quarter and do exactly what you want that day

We hope you can visit Sunny Sequim during some of your time off, but regardless of where you go or what you do, plan your vacation days and give yourself a chance to relax, renew, and recharge.


Two friends dining out
Taking time off and traveling makes people happy.

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